Thursday, 19 February 2015

Under The Spotlight

It's been a few weeks since I worked on my Silver Arts Award mainly because my twin brother and I turned 13 and we had a Center Parcs holiday plus rehearsals for my upcoming performance at Sadlers Wells have been keeping me pre-occupied.

Anyway, Ami and I resumed our sessions but for something different but also as part of the challenge, we went to an Arts Exhibition called Under The Spotlight.

It was local to where we live and basically a collection of work from 40 artists who live in Portsmouth.

I enjoyed seeing all the different art works. Some of them really inspired me. There was one of a Pizza that really stood out.

Anyway, after the exhibition we returned to Ami's house and I wrote up some notes of the event in my scrapbook.

My scrapbook is basically my evidence of all the parts of my Silver Arts Award. It's not like this blog. The spelling has no spell check! I'm not great at spelling but that's because I'm probably dyslexic. I haven't been diagnosed but a screening at 7 years old suggested that I was. It's not only my spelling that is affected but I am easily distracted particularly if it's noisy. So working with Ami is easier than being in a classroom and Ami is able to help me with spelling and to get me back on track when my mind wanders.

The scrapbook is full of pictures taken at the exhibition. I also recorded an audio of me reviewing the art works and giving my opinion.

Under The Spotlight Pages in my scrapbook